We provide a low-cost airborne platform to military, government, universities, and private corporations for a variety of uses, including research, experiments, small format aerial photography, and remote sensing.

Our aircraft can be modified to meet your research or experiment requirements. Based on these requirements, we design the necessary modifications to accommodate your hardware. We work closely with the FAA to acquire approval of all modifications and assure compliance with all Federal Aviation Regulations.

The aircraft is currently modified with a 8-inch square belly port for general use and a system to provide in-flight 120 Volt AC power. We use a GARMIN 12-channel, WAAS, moving-map GPS for positioning. This unit provides real-time position output, and it also allows us to download track data for post processing.

Our aircraft can be used for small format aerial photography for various applications. Using our Nikon SLR digital camera, we can provide very high resolution images (6 megapixel) for general remote sensing, real estate, construction monitoring, and land use. We also fly our own custom 4-band digital multispectral data acquisition system. Our system acquires narrow-band, high-resolution imagery data in spectral regions sensitive to major plant responses for drought, herbivory, nutrient stress and senescence. This data is used for wetland mitigation monitoring, agriculture, and other environmental uses. We can provide this data to the customer in as little as 1-2 days after site submission

We use a Cessna 172P Skyhawk, which can be modified as necessary to suit your needs. This reliable, economical, fully equipped aircraft includes a GARMIN 12-channel, WAAS, moving map GPS. An EXELTECH inverter provides 1100 watts power at 120 volts. 4-band digital multispectral data acquisition system, and Nikon D70 SLR digital camera for aerial photography and remote sensing.

Aircraft Specifications:

Cessna 172P (single engine, high wing, 4 seat)
Speed - 120 knots (cruise), 60 knots (slow flight)

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PHONE: 703.861.3591
   Copyright 2001 TerraNautical Data, Inc. All rights reserved.